Learn the Tarot

By Andromeda's Alley (other events)

Saturday, September 7 2013 4:00 PM 6:00 PM EDT

The Tarot class consists of three  2 to 2 ½ hour sessions covering the Minor Arcana, Court Cards, and the Major Arcana.  Dennis has been reading Tarot since he was a child and takes it very seriously.   He has taught this same class to countless local readers.     Both experienced and non-experienced alike will benefit from this course.


“I am very easy going and like a comfortable atmosphere for my classes .... but know this ...taking this class will not make you a Reader, but it will give you a tool to use to connect with Spirit. The Tarot is like life itself - the true wonders of it never end.   Let The Journey Begin.”    ~Dennis

Class Size is Limited to twelve.  Pre-registration is required.

Cost:  $150.00 for entire course.   

Classes will begin on March 30, 2012, and continue on each Saturday until April 13, 2012.   Classes begin promptly at 5:00 p.m.

Requirement:  Rider-Waite deck.   You may bring your own.  A 5% discount is available to students who need to purchase a deck.    Please contact Karen at Andromeda's Alley prior to your class to obtain at this special price.   

Instructor:   Dennis Callahan


Please consider carefully before purchasing your space in the Course. Since seating is strictly limited, there are NO REFUNDS, under any circumstances.

You must be at least 18 years old to enroll in this course. You may be 16 - 17 ONLY with parent participation (Both parent and child MUST purchase separate seating and attend every class. The child will not be able to participate without parent's presence).