Join us as we celebrate Samhain and usher in the dark half of the year with one of the BEST parties around....Witch-style!!!!! Hell YEAH are we going to ROCK the house!!!
Since this is our second year, and the number two is all about balance, this year's theme is A Black & White Masquerade!!! This is going to be SO awesome to see what people's imaginations unfold. I can't WAIT!!! Lets remember though folks, this isn't a hall party. Its a formal event, so please, no panda bears, prisoners, etc. If you have any doubt that your idea might not be probably isn't. (See the FAQs on our website for more detailed guidelines/suggestions on the dress code).
If you prefer not to wear a costume, that is of course your choice, but elegant formal wear will be required. Also folks...the key word here is Masquerade! Please don't forget the Masque! The ONLY exception to this rule is for our men and women in uniform. You can come in your "dress" uniforms...hell, I don't care if you come in your digis and boots!!! It would be our honor no matter how you can make it!
The entertainment for the evening is going to be AWESOME!!! Taboo, one of THE BEST blues/southern rock bands in Massachusetts is going to ROCK the house all night long!!! Make sure you bring your dancing shoes!!!
Also, don't forget to bring your photographs, memorabilia, etc. for anyone you would like to add to the Ancestral Altar!
Your ticket to the evening grants you access to the most magickal, enchanting evening you'll ever attended, complete with delectable food, awesome entertainment, any "potion" that tickles your fancy, a midnight ritual, AND a Silent Auction!!! Yes indeed...this is a charity event too!!!! A portion of the proceeds of the evening will be donated to a local Rolling Thunder® Chapter, a National non-profit Veterans' advocacy group!!!! Through your generosity, we will be helping the brave men and women of our armed forces (and their families) who secure our freedom. What is better than that?
Tickets are limited and must be purchased in advance.
We had so many requests last year for a two-tier pricing option regarding the open bar ask...I deliver! Although each and every attendee is a VIP in my book, just to differentiate between the two, do NOT let the "General Admission" moniker throw are ALL VIPs...its just a matter of who wants to pay for their drinks..and who doesn't!!!
General Admission: $100 (cash bar)
VIP Admission: $150 (open bar)
Tickets are also available in person (you can even put them on layaway) at:
Andromeda's Alley
78 No. Washington Street
No. Attleboro, MA
(508) 643-3400
For detailed information on the event, please visit our website at:
If you would like to sponsor our event, donate an item or service for our Silent Auction, or place an ad in our evening's program, please contact Karen at: [email protected]; or 508-643-3400.
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
Don't wait to get your tickets!!! You definitely do not want to miss this event!!!
See you in October!!!