The Tarot class consists of three 2 to 2 ½ hour sessions covering the Minor Arcana, Court Cards, and the Major Arcana. Dennis has been reading Tarot since he was a child and takes it very seriously. He has taught this same class to countless local readers. Both experienced and non-experienced alike will benefit from this course.
“I am very easy going and like a comfortable atmosphere for my classes .... but know this ...taking this class will not make you a Reader, but it will give you a tool to use to connect with Spirit. The Tarot is like life itself - the true wonders of it never end. Let The Journey Begin.” ~Dennis
Class Size is Limited to twelve. Pre-registration is required.
Cost: $150.00 for entire course.
Classes will begin on November 2, 2013, and continue on each Saturday until November 16, 2013. Classes begin promptly at 4:00 p.m.
Requirement: Rider-Waite deck. You may bring your own. A 5% discount is available to students who need to purchase a deck. Please contact Karen at Andromeda's Alley prior to your class to obtain at this special price.
Instructor: Dennis Callahan